Frequently Asked Questions

Navigate to the login page. Select the forgot password link under the log in button. Type in your email address, and selection send verification code. Check your email for the verification code, then type it into the text box labeled verification code. Select Continue. Type in your new password, then type it again to confirm. Press Continue. You can now log in with your new password.
Your existing login credentials will transfer over to the new site. If you do not have or forget your existing login credentials, support will be available to assist once the site has launched.
The Mobile App will no longer function once the new web site launches. All the functionality from the old mobile app is available on the mobile-optimized web site along with several improvements. For users who desire one-click access (like an app), refer to the instructional video to learn how to launch the web site from a mobile device home screen.
There aren’t any preferred web browsers, but it is recommended to run the most current version of any internet browser to ensure all functionality works properly.
Yes, this will still generate an index page similar to before. It will be important to name the PDFs you are adding to your collection as that is how it will be listed on the index page.
The Finder tool is where you will go to find a Versico Authorized Contractor, Distributor, or Independent Sales Representative. The Search tool is what you will use to find documents, videos and other assets that are published on the website.
Due to changes in data structure, the team was unable to transfer collections from the old site to the new web site. The team will continue to research ways to access past collections, but it is unlikely.
a. Submittals will be generated from the Collections link in the user dashboard. Users will have an option to start a new collection or select a prebuilt submittal. The new submittal packages will be streamlined and will offer an interim checklist to add and/or remove documents prior to creating the submittal collection. As an added benefit, users can upload PDF files, providing the ability to add assembly letters, shop drawings etc.
Expect the warranty portal to launch in late May.
All of these tools will be carried over to the new web site and will function exactly the same. Literature ordering was identified as an area for improvement post-launch and is expected to be completed in Q4.
The application process is new but very similar to the old Copy-A submission process. Training videos will be available on the portal to walk you through the application submission process. The Copy A's will now be called Job Submissions and Copy B's will be called Job Completions.
Any jobs that had warranties on them will carry over. Any jobs that are in draft mode or not submitted for approval will be deleted.
The improved search feature will have more flexibility for searching by product types, names or phrases.
The only significant changes are that you can save warranty application templates that you can reuse if you have a frequently used system type that you submit over and over again. Also, terminology change Copy A's=Job Submissions, Copy B's = Job Completions.
Yes, warranties will be available for download on the warranty portal.
This is not a feature in the current web site environment. Warranty checklists can be marked-up after a PDF is downloaded.
All documents have been updated, categorized and tagged for improved search performance.
All of our testing has shown that changes to the order of a collection are being saved.
Until the user removes them.
When the new Warranty Portal launches, users will be able to generate submittals and save to a collection with a corresponding job name.
True Roof Rater is a stand-alone web application. No changes will be implemented as a part of the website launch, but improvements to True Roof Rater are planned for Q3.
Yes, when downloaded and opened in Adobe Acrobat.